房车国度 澳大利亚学生奖学金

Rachel Perkins

The Winner of the $2,500 University Scholarship


I am 25 years old, and grew up in the regional town of Stanthorpe in the Southern Downs Region of Queensland. I loved my childhood here, and it was growing up in this region that made me aware of how tourism affects destinations, particularly regional destinations. I love to travel, and that is why I have based my PhD studies around resolving issues in regional tourism destinations. I enjoy adventures and outdoor recreation, and have an appreciation for small towns with nature based activities. I also enjoy art, and socialising - I could talk to people all day, and love hearing stories about other’s lives and journeys.

Why did you choose to study your chosen course?

When I completed my undergraduate degree in Event Management and Marketing, I felt like I had more to achieve in an academic sense - after travelling a little bit in my undergraduate degree, I had some questions about tourism that needed answering, and having the option to explore this in a PhD was a great opportunity for me. The idea of a PhD appealed to me as I liked the idea of a research project that was essentially self-directed (with the help of amazing supervisors) and that I could pick a topic that was close to my heart- regional tourism. The PhD program has been an exciting, yet challenging career path, and I am developing personally and professional as a result of my research project.

What does travel mean to you?

Travel for me is now both a recreational activity, as well as an activity to expand my vision for my career in research. Essentially, travel will always be a way for me to adventure, to learn, and to grow, and to gain insights into different ways of life. I feel free when I travel, and am always grateful for every opportunity I get to see another part of the world.

What has been your favourite travel destination or place?

My favourite destination has been Nepal, where I went on a volunteer trip with the Griffith Business School student leaders. It is an amazing destination, and exceeded any expectations I had. The people were friendly, the scenery was beautiful, and I every experience I had in the country was enriching. In Australia, I love the Great Ocean Road. It feels like such an untouched part of the world.

What part of your tuition fees will the $2,500 cover?

The $2,500 award will be significantly helpful for me in executing my research project in the Southern Downs region in Queensland. For this project, I will be travelling to the region to gain insights from local stakeholders, and these funds will enable this, as well as providing opportunity to expand the project further.

What would your advice be to our next year's applicants? What should they pay attention to?

My advice is to do your research. There are always loads of interesting articles, both academic and industry based, which are available to read that can provide you with enough knowledge to inform your thought piece.